The 3rd IEEE Intl. Maritime Big Data Workshop (MBDW 2022)

collocated with the 23rd IEEE Intl. Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2022)
June 6, 2022, Paphos, Cyprus

Keynote Speakers

Mikael Lind

Maritime Informatics for a High Performing Maritime Industry

Achievement of an efficient, resilient, safe, and sustainable maritime ecosystem is a multi-year, multi-stage project that requires a sequence of interlocking actions. Attainment of the ultimate goals of any major project requires a series of intermediate steps where accomplishment of one step establishes the foundations for the achievement of subsequent steps. A number of different enablers, such as data analytics, support the application of Maritime Informatics to create higher levels of maritime efficiency, safety, environmental sustainability, and resilience. As the point of departure to enable global alignment is the needs for standards that enables data driven decision-making for collaboration and synchronization among the participants in the self-organised ecosystem of maritime supply chain operations. That would then support the necessary multi-modal integration for the maritime sector to experience capital productivity gains. In this presentation a focus will be put upon key steps towards a high performing maritime industry to achieve such effects.

Bio: Dr Mikael Lind is (Adjunct) Professor in Maritime Informatics at Chalmers University of Technology and Senior Strategic Research Advisor at Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE). He has initiated and headed a substantial part of several open innovation initiatives related to ICT for sustainable transports of people and goods. In his capacity of the world's first professor in Maritime Informatics he also part time at the Chalmers University of technology (M2), Sweden, exploring the opportunity of maritime informatics as an applied research field. Lind serves as an expert for World Economic Forum, Europe’s Digital Transport Logistic Forum (DTLF), and UN/CEFACT. He has been the lead author of many concept notes associated to maritime and transport informatics brought up by international trade press and has become recognized thought leader in Maritime Informatics. Lind has also served as mini-track chair for Maritime Informatics at the major regional IS conferences in Europe and the Americas for several years.

Dimitris Zissis

The analysis of trajectories created by moving objects (such as ships, cars and planes) exhibits unique challenges, while it is extensively used in several real world applications. These trajectories are often voluminous and noisy, requiring processing approaches that respect the spatial and temporal characteristics of the data. The resulting analysis often holds critical insights for the respective domainσ, such as methods for improving ship maneuvering, accurate voyage forecasting, safe traveling and many more. In this talk, we will discuss both introductory and advanced topics, related to the analysis of moving objects trajectories, while focusing on the maritime domain. We will focus on data generated by ships and present methods deployed in real world settings. In this context, we describe methods of trajectory pattern mining in big data conditions, while presenting results from our recent work in determining the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on shipping.

Bio: Dimitris Zissis is an Associate Professor at the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering at the University of the Aegean. His research interests and areas of expertise include several aspects of architecting and developing complex Information Systems (IS) and deploying Data Products. His published scientific work includes more than 80 publications (scientific journals, books and conferences included), which have received more than 3500 citations to date. He is included in the top 2% of scientists internationally in the field of “Information Systems”, while according to Thomson Reuters, the paper “Addressing Cloud Computing Security Issues” is included in the top 0,1% percentile of publications internationally for 2010-2014 (based on the citations it has received). He was a member of the EC High-Level Expert Group on Business-to-Government (B2G) data sharing, an independent expert group set up by the European Commission in November 2018, while until present, he is a Task Force Leader (Data Science/AI for the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), the private counterpart to the EU Commission to implement the Big Data Value PPP program. He is a member of the EC High-Level expert group on “Facilitating the use of new data sources for official statistics” which provides a forum for discussion and gives advice and assistance to Eurostat, with regard to possible future Commission initiatives aiming at facilitating the use of privately held data for official statistics. Throughout these years he has participated and led teams in numerous R&D projects funded by the EC and industry, with Horizon 2020 projects VesselAI, INFORE and BigDataOcean being the most recent ones. He is a member of the editorial board of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) published by Elsevier. Ηe is an IEEE Senior Member and a member of the IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Oceanic Engineering and the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Societies. His professional experience includes senior consulting and researcher positions in a number of private and public institutions.

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